Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Art Education 2.0

I think we've discussed this (or something similar) in class, but I fund this art ed ning. Check it out. It seems super useful and interesting. I haven't created an account, but plan to do so over the weekend. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Google Hangout : Philadelphia Museum of Art

Google Art Project is conducting a live hangout tomorrow at the Philadelphia Museum of Art tomorrow.
Its seems pretty cool, and is called "Connected Classrooms: Stories in Art with the Philadelphia Museum of Art". Its at 10:30pm EST, so check it it out if possible. (the time originally states 7pm, but one of the comments reads 10:30). 

The link is here!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Transcommunity in the Classroom

For some reason, I'm really distracted this week. I don't know why, my head is just spinning in many different directions. I think I need to meditate!

I don't understand transcommunity very well. I think its a topic that needs to be discussed in great detail in class before I'll be ready to comment on it at all.

Really sorry for the short post- I'm just so confused. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Adventurous Dreams for Kids

Came across this article on a mom creating dream scenes. Think its pretty cool.